Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Snuggle-Bug Family

Hello World Wide Web!
So here I am again. Sharing more shiny bits of happy from recent days. More specifically, from this morning.
We (myself, my husband and our six-year-old son) had a family cuddle this morning. It is important to note, our son has NEVER been allowed to sleep in our bed at night. Even as a baby and toddler he always had to sleep in his own bed, in his own room. But morning is different.
There is no school this week due to parent teacher conferences and the Thanksgiving holiday. As a result, we had no real reason to get up this morning. We all sort of woke up around 6:00 am (because I forgot to turn off the alarm). We were all kind of awake, but not really.  We then proceeded to all climb back in to Mommy and Daddy's loft bed (which we have aptly named "The Tree House") and all fell asleep cuddling each other.  There is something truly special and unique about the whole family all in one bed keeping each other warm and cozy. It was the best possible way to get an extra hour or two of sleep. It would never work to sleep all night like that, but as previously stated, morning is different.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Swing Low? or Something

Hello World Wide Web!
So here I am again. Sharing odd little bits of happiness from my day. Today, it was singing in the shower. Not me, if I do sing in the shower (and come on, who doesn't?) it isn't nearly as adorable as when my six year old son does it.
Showers are a relatively new thing for my son. We thought six was a good age to switch from taking a nightly bath to taking showers. It was met with a little animosity at first, but now he seams to enjoy it. Tonight, he REALLY enjoyed it. He was in there for a good 10 or 15 minutes after his hair was all washed and rinsed. When I went to check on him (to make sure everything was going ok) there he was singing "Swing low, sweet chariot, coming forth to carry me home! Swing low, sweet chariot, coming forth to carry me home!" at the top of his lungs. He learned the song in our churches children's choir.
Kids are so funny. And so endearing, in so many ways. When I heard him belting out his tune in the shower I had to smile. Ok, I had to laugh, really hard, and tell my husband. Swing low indeed. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Best Friends, Borrowed Boys and "I Love You Sam"

Hello World Wide Web!
I should really try to be more consistent about posting on this. Oh well, with only 5 followers so far I think I'm still good.
So last week, while I was still dealing with the "unpleasantness" mentioned in my last post, I called one of my best friends. I often tell her she is my favorite Mommy other than my Mommy (you know who you are, but I plan to keep names out of the blog world). We have been friends for a while now. My six year old son is friends with her six year old son and her three year old son. We all spend so much time together that I refer to her boys as my "borrowed boys".  I will never be having any more of my own kids, so borrowed kiddos are great.
Back to the original point, wonderful friends helping you deal with unpleasantness. I was talking on the phone to my dear mommy friend and she and the three year old were playing a game, and he wanted to talk to me on the phone. Before saying anything else he said, "I Love You Sam!". That was all it took to really make me feel so much better.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Starbucks Bacon Breakfast Sandwich

Hello World Wide Web!
Here it is, my first real post. 
Anyhoo, today was a really bad day. Unpleasant things happened (as they tend to do from time to time). After unpleasant things happened I went home. I was busy being sad/angry/confused etc. when the phone rang. It was my job wondering if I could come in a bit early today. Thinking to myself, "This is exactly what I need to take my mind off of today's unpleasantness.", I told them I could be there in about an hour. I then proceeded to throw some makeup at my sad face (enough to make me look like a human) and off I went.
At this point in the story I bet you are wondering, "Where are the little bits of shiny happiness, and what does Starbucks have to do with this?". We are getting to that.
Once at work, after working for several hours, it was my turn for a break. Adding to the overall unpleasantness of my day, I had no money to my name. I did, however, have a Starbucks gift card. So where else would I go for a mid-afternoon snack, but Starbucks. I love their sausage, egg and cheese breakfast sandwich, which is exactly what I ordered to go along with my tall iced coffee.  Much to my dismay, they were all out of sausage. I was a bit disappointed. Yet another unpleasant thing in my day, or so I thought. The wonderful girl working at Starbucks offered to give me the sandwich with bacon instead of sausage, and at no charge! Not just no charge for the bacon, no charge for the entire sandwich.  That was the shiny penny in the vacuum of my day. Sometimes all it takes is some small bit of kindness and generosity to change the tone of a day. It made the rest of my work day better and gave me something much better to focus on (bacon, egg and cheese on a toasty roll, mmmm) instead of the earlier unpleasantness.
Thank you Starbucks, for the complimentary bacon breakfast sandwich. It really made my day. 

Monday, November 8, 2010

First Post! Aren't You excited?!!!! You should be excited! Trust me!

Hello World Wide Web!

After various friends telling me for the past few years that I should start a blog, I have decided to do so. I will convince myself that many people all over will the world will not only read, but care about what I have to say. Please do not try to convince me otherwise, let me stay in my happy bubble.

Thanks for reading. I hope you continue to do so.