Monday, November 15, 2010

Best Friends, Borrowed Boys and "I Love You Sam"

Hello World Wide Web!
I should really try to be more consistent about posting on this. Oh well, with only 5 followers so far I think I'm still good.
So last week, while I was still dealing with the "unpleasantness" mentioned in my last post, I called one of my best friends. I often tell her she is my favorite Mommy other than my Mommy (you know who you are, but I plan to keep names out of the blog world). We have been friends for a while now. My six year old son is friends with her six year old son and her three year old son. We all spend so much time together that I refer to her boys as my "borrowed boys".  I will never be having any more of my own kids, so borrowed kiddos are great.
Back to the original point, wonderful friends helping you deal with unpleasantness. I was talking on the phone to my dear mommy friend and she and the three year old were playing a game, and he wanted to talk to me on the phone. Before saying anything else he said, "I Love You Sam!". That was all it took to really make me feel so much better.

1 comment:

  1. That's so sweet! Cheer up, because you never know what the tide might bring in tomorrow!
